Total Exoneration—Russian Collusion and Other Media Lies Exposed

For over two years CNN and the rest of the corporate media pushed the Russian collusion narrative. They used this to undermine Trump’s presidency and to gain seats in the midterms with a seemingly never-ending stream of speculation, literally hundreds of stories suggesting his guilt and, in the end, Robert Mueller’s team found nothing at all.

The entire collusion narrative, from start to finish, was fake news. There was never a shred of evidence to support this conspiracy theory, it was something concocted during the campaign by Christopher Steele, a foreign agent, and in collusion with never-Trumpers desperate to discredit the rising Republican candidate by any means possible. The false claims of the “Steele dossier” were used as justification for the Obama administration spying on their political opponent.

This is an outrageous attempt to subvert the democratic process that makes the Watergate scandal during the Nixon administration look like child’s play by comparison. Think about it, a false report by a foreign agent was used as a means to gain access to the Trump campaign and, not only that, but it was also used to feed xenophobic hysteria that put us at a greatly increased risk of war with another nuclear power.

This is not simply confirmation bias run amok, this is a deliberate effort to deceive the American public, a coup attempt against our President, and the traitors who are responsible need to face criminal charges. It is one thing for a political campaign to lie. It is quite another for a Presidential administration to weaponize the entire Justice Department (and the IRS before that) against their opposition and launch a years-long investigation, at great expense to taxpayers, for the sole purpose of hurting Trump’s political brand.

It is the biggest scandal in United States history and yet the corporate media is still pretending that Trump is somehow the problem here and not them or the Democrats they shill for…

Enough is enough!

Trump needs to drop the hammer down hard on this or we will lose the Republic and anything left of our greatness. We need to know who was paid for what, who conspired with who, and go all the way to the top. A message must be sent to those in the government (and their media accomplices) who may be tempted to pull this kind of stunt again. It is past time to turn the tables on these sanctimonious “deep state” screwballs and hold them accountable for their dangerous and destabilizing deception.

The Corporate Media Cannot Be Trusted

For months we have heard that Trump said that neo-Nazis are “fine people” in his remarks following the Charlottesville protests. This was used as evidence that the President is a racist and a bad person. However, we now find that the reality is quite different than what has been reported. Steve Cortez, exposes this lie in an article, “Trump Didn’t Call Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People’ Here’s Proof.,” where he goes through the transcript and shows where Trump clearly says the opposite. Trump, in reality, said that neo-Nazis and white nationalists should be “condemned totally” and yet the media commentators (and Democrat politicians) continue to lie about this.

Adding to the corporate left’s credibility woes, the leadership of Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has been accused (by some within their ranks) of being sexist and racist themselves. This same organization, that regularly accuses Christian conservatives (falsely) of being hateful, is given censorship power by tech giants like PayPal and Google. The SPLC lost a $3.375 million dollar defamation lawsuit for slapping an “extremist” label on the Quilliam Foundation and are also being sued by “Proud Boys” Gavin McGinnis for their “hate group” categorization of that organization. It is unbelievable that this group of hard left hypocrites is given any authority to regulate speech online.

The past couple of months have presented all the reason one should ever need to be skeptical of any narrative put out by the corporate media establishment. These organizations, if trustworthy at one point, have become shameless propagandists for the far left. They still, while fact-checking Trump’s jokes and comparing him to Nixon, allow Obama to get away with claiming his administration was “scandal free” despite the growing body of evidence that strongly suggests the criminal malfeasance of his administration. We should be asking ourselves, if they nearly got away with impeaching an innocent President over a foreign agent’s fabrications, how many times have they done this sort of thing and not been caught?

The Democrats have done terrible damage to race relations in this country with their lies and misleading stories. They have regularly fed minority fears by their misrepresentation of fact—by painting a false picture of young men engaged in criminal behavior as sterling representatives of their entire race—by running with unhelpful anecdotes that put one race against another—and generally neglecting important context in their pursuit of agenda.

For example, remember all those women given mocking names like Southpark Susan, Permit Patty, BBQ Becky, Cornerstone Cathy, Golf Cart Gail for their ignorant comments in videos? One would be led to believe that this sort of thing only happens to black folks given the skewed coverage. However, who hasn’t encountered a nosy neighbor, a meddlesome crank or a suspicious and belligerent drunk? Is there a reason why we are only hearing these stories when it is white against black?

Meanwhile, the list of hate hoaxes grows longer day by day and the corporate media, eagerly reporting the false allegations at the onset, barely offers a retraction (let alone an apology) when the wild claims turn out to be fake news. The same media that took Jesse Smollett’s fake hate as Gospel truth for weeks despite the obvious smell test fail of a couple Trump supporters waiting to ambush some no-name actor on a cold Chicago night or recklessly portrayed innocent smiling school boys from Covington Catholic as racist villains when they were truly the victims, that mercilessly attacked an honorable Judge Kavanaugh on the basis of politically motivated accusations, suddenly loses their collective voices when Virginia’s entire Democratic leadership is exposed as either wearing blackface or as a potential rapist.

Somehow Democrats and the left are always excused. Jussie Smollett unapologetically deceived the Chicago police. His tale of being attacked adding to an existing mischaracterization and prejudice against Trump’s base. Meanwhile, Trump associates, basically entrapped, are sent to serve real-time for their poor accounting in private meetings with FBI investigators, have their homes raided, etc.

How is it even possible that Elizabeth Warren is still a viable candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination given her fraudulent claims of Native American ancestry, but…?

How can Hillary Clinton get away with taking $400,000 from the Russians, destroying her personal devices, deleting 33,000 emails and lying to Congress, but Trump exhaustively investigated for two years over a phony dossier?

There needs to be a day of reckoning or it will only get worse. Things have been too lopsided for too long, it is doing real damage to this nation and the American people must stand up against this while they still can. These leftist elites must be held accountable. They must be soundly defeated at the ballot box, criminally charged and sentenced the same as anyone else, we must ridicule their bad ideas and never ever take them at their word.

Democrat politicians and their corporate media propagandists have “cried wolf” too many times and can’t be trusted. We should doubt everything that comes from them and assume that it is blown out of proportion or a complete fabrication. They must be questioned on everything, we can’t believe them or their cronies on things like climate change, we cannot afford to accept their word on anything that could benefit their radical leftist agenda.

Putin’s Conspiracy to Make America Great…Wait, What?!?

Russian collusion narrative will probably be with us for life. This desperate attempt to discredit Trump’s surprise victory over Hillary Clinton (and justification for abject partisan hatred) will not go away easily in the minds of the deranged. Those dead-enders simply need to be beaten at the ballot box and forgotten.

However, many Americans, while not immune to propaganda, are able to reconsider and be persuaded. Conspiracy theories often live on as a product of confirmation bias, they survive on facts presented out of context and thrive on logical errors. And thus it is incumbent on us to present truthful arguments as to why the conspiracy narrative that has been presented is propaganda and does not hold up when more closely examined.

So the Russian collusion conspiracy narrative goes something like this: Russia (now having mysteriously become our biggest enemy again) has somehow hacked our election and installed Trump as their puppet. Trump himself asked the Russians to find Hillary’s “missing emails” soon after WikiLeaks posted the DNC emails. How is this “urging of a foreign adversary to conduct cyberespionage against a former secretary of state” (that the NY Times slant) not treasonous? For this reason, we need to impeach Trump immediately or vote for those who will in November.

Well, here are some realities that disprove that narrative…

#1) The Leaks Helped Americans Make an Informed Decision.

Of course, what is obvious, and yet strangely ignored, is that the leaked DNC emails proved the crookedness of the Clinton primary campaign against Bernie Sanders. Rather than acknowledge the corruption in the Democratic party and accept that as the reason why their candidate lost, the anti-Trump media has focused almost entirely on how the information was obtained and spinning that as if it is proof the election was stolen.

The truth is nobody disputes what the emails revealed. It resulted in the resignation of Rep Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC chairwoman, and also rightfully angered many Bernie voters who were burned by the Hillary camp. It is no wonder many Democrats switched sides, voted for a third party or stayed home. The Democratic leadership only has themselves and their own secret manipulations to blame. We should be glad this was brought to light, no matter the means, so that the American people could make an informed decision.

But what is truly bothersome is why our media has stopped vetting candidates on one side of the political divide. The truth is that we should not need WikiLeaks to provide us with this information. Surely someone connected to the media had to know how the DNC was gaming the system against Sanders and it should’ve been reported long before the presidential election started. So, Democrats, be angry at party officials who sold you out, who “rigged” the primary in favor of Clinton (according to Elizabeth Warren) and are currently screwing other progressive candidates who win their primaries.

Pointing a finger at Trump (or even Russia) is to deflect blame from where it truly belongs and only prolongs the agony of defeat. Trump may be bad, but at least the party he joined to make his run decided to respect the wishes of their primary voters despite the fears that he would spell the end of their party and their strong dislike of this outsider. The best way to defeat Trump is not by cooking up conspiracy theories to explain away the loss. The best way is to run a candidate with integrity and demand honesty from the pro-Democrat media and party leaders.

#2) Mueller’s Probe Has Gone On For Over a Year and Still No Evidence of Collusion.

Many Democrats will point to indictments of Trump officials (and, more recently, Russian military officers) as evidence of collusion, but nothing is further from the truth. The propagandists in the media continue to present the indictments as proof of some larger nefarious scheme and yet the actual indictments are over more mundane matters, namely perjury and misreporting, not collusion. What is not reported is that a Clinton campaign operative, John Podesta, is suspected of the same types of crimes and might be ‘immunized’ in exchange for testimony against Paul Manafort.

Furthermore, collusion isn’t illegal even if Mueller did find evidence of cooperation between the Trump campaign and Russian officials. Yes, foreign nationals to contributing “things of value” to a campaign could be prosecutable and if there is proof that Trump officials aided or abetted in this they should be prosecuted. However, there is no evidence of this, Trump wishing for the Russian hackers to find Hillary’s missing emails is not a crime and Mueller himself has insisted that Trump is not under investigation as a criminal target in his probe. So, in other words, all the wishful thinking on the part of anti-Trumpers is wasted time, the hopes of Trump being convicted of collusion is a fanciful delusion and distraction at best.

But if it is a crime for a campaign to merely be helped by foreign agents, then what about the infamous “Steele dossier” produced by a British intelligence agent and used by the Clinton campaign to discredit Trump? Why are there no calls for those connected to Christopher Steele to be investigated for their interference in our presidential election? Sure, maybe one can find technical differences and the British are regarded to be our allies. Still, if this about keeping out foreign influence, why stop with Russians and their connections? Why shouldn’t we prosecute the Clinton campaign as well?

If you are giddy about Manafort being prosecuted and not upset that Podesta is getting a pass, if you are happy that a British agent produced a document that helped discredit Trump and not that a British intelligence agent was hired by the Clinton campaign to smear her opponent, then you are blinded by your own bias. Even if Russians *did* conspire with some connected to Trump, there is no disputing that they gave us the truth about Clinton and the DNC. Not only that, but that’s not even mentioning that many connections the Democrats and Clintons with the Russians and have not been investigated to the same extent as the Trump campaign.

Why is the anti-Trump media only concerned with allegations against one side?

Why the lack of curiosity about Democrats doing the same things?

#3) How Is America Being Harmed By Putin Or Russia?

If Trump were truly being controlled by the Kremlin we would expect him to act in a way that harms our country and yet there is no evidence of this. While anti-Trump ‘economists’ had predicted his policies would lead to economic disaster, the very opposite has happened. Our economy is off the charts, unemployment is at a record low for minorities (supposedly the people Trump doesn’t care about) and we are nearing record economic growth. Not only that, but those saying tax cuts would increase deficits were wrong, tax revenues are up and that’s great news even if the media isn’t talking about it.

Certainly, President Obama does deserve some credit for stabilizing the economy after a recession. But Trump has as certainly built on that and also deserves credit. If Trump were truly working for the Russians, and if they truly are our enemies looking to destroy us, then why is Trump making us stronger? Sure, one can speculate about collusion all day long, but the hard economic numbers tell a completely different story from the Russian conspiracy premise. A rational person looking at the evidence, what we definitely know is true, can see clearly that this country is not being destroyed under Trump’s leadership and is actually accelerating in the right direction.

Anti-Trump politicians and media figures claim to be looking out for Americans and call it treasonous to so much as talk to Vladimir Putin (never mind Obama’s friendliness to Russia and Iran) while simultaneously aiding and abetting an actual foreign invasion. It was only a few weeks ago these same people were opposing the Trump administration’s efforts to deal with illegal immigrants in a way that was both humane and still upheld our national sovereignty. Those who slipped across the border illegally might be good people. But there are many good people in the world who want to come here and the least we can do is ask those who have violated our laws once to go through the amnesty process.

It is ironic, while foreign nationals flood across our southern borders and cost the American taxpayers 134 billion dollars each year, Trump administration officials are harassed for furniture purchases costing mere thousands. While Trump is being assailed for merely meeting with his Russian counterpart, when it comes to tariffs (or asking other NATO members to pay their fair share) his opponents seem to be taking the side of everyone in the world (including China) except ours. Opponents to Trump’s tariffs (in response to existing tariffs that hurt our exports) are literally taking the side of foreign leaders against their own President and then have the audacity to call him a traitor for conducting diplomacy as our elected representative?

#4) The Anti-Trump Hate-fest Is What Is Bad For America

The truth of the matter is that America is doing great and that even with the headwind of resistance this administration has faced at every turn. We could be doing even better if more people put their irrational conspiracy theories to rest and commit to doing what adults do when they lose. The current anti-Trump temper tantrum, from Peter Strzok and Lisa Page (who have given conflicting testimonies to Congress and yet nobody in the street is screaming treason for that) to the cheap shots from Obama to those late-night television buffoons (not to forget crazy Jim Carrey, Kathy Griffen, etc), needs to stop for the good of us all.

I do understand the frustration of losing an election and especially one where many experts had predicted the wrong winner. But the same thing happened to those who vote for Romney against Obama and yet we didn’t have mock decapitations of the Obama or protest marches around the country, did we?

I get it. Trump is not a nice guy and offends many people. He’s also dishonest at times and frequently uses hyperbole in an arena where we are accustomed to smoothly spoken words or lawyerspeak. But if you truly are not out to destroy this country and want what is good for this country, then the best thing to do is to put aside differences and be a little cooperative for once. No, that does not mean giving Trump everything he wants and it doesn’t mean Democrats should not run their best in the mid-terms or the next presidential contest either. However, calling Trump supporters “deplorables” (or far nastier names) or trying to sabotage your own government is inexcusable.

Democrats just had eight years of Obama. They didn’t oppose ICE then, they did not oppose Obama promising Putin “flexibility” nor confront his the-Cold-War-is-over derision of Romney for saying Russia posed a threat. There was no widespread condemnation of Obama for his lying (here’s a small list out of the many lies that you might not have heard) nor questioning of his 1.7 billion dollar payout to Iran. We also haven’t had answers why foreign governments were giving bundles of cash to the “Clinton Foundation” or why it is okay for Bill Clinton to get paid $500,000 to give a speech to Russian oligarchs. I would be willing to look the other way at all of that, give the benefit of the doubt, and move on, but only if the same courtesy were given to our current President.

Bottom line…

It is unconscionable that those who claim to love their country would side against their President and the good of their country economically or otherwise. But that is exactly what will happen if people do not get behind Trump. The reality is that the success of tariffs depends on the popularity of Trump at home as much as it does anything else. Countries like China, who are definitely hostile towards us, are watching our domestic politics closely and our chances of a fairer deal will go out the window if they perceive Trump’s position as being weak. The very best thing that could happen for this country is a resounding Republican win in November and that is just the reality given the extreme position staked out by Democrats.

This is a time for centrists and Democrat moderates to break ranks and put an end to the absurdity that keeps us from being even greater as a nation. There is no evidence that Trump is disloyal, there is no proof of collusion, we need to move on and Trump, like him or not, is our best chance at this time. I don’t expect the extremists to switch, they are too emotionally invested in their existing positions, but those of you who are trying to be objective should consider the consequences of the current division and decide accordingly. The real danger is not Russia, it is disunity and disarray when we need unity and resolve. It is time to put nation over party and vote for those who are willing to work with our President rather than work to undermine him.

If electing Trump was a Kremlin conspiracy it is one that has already backfired. Trump pressured German chancellor, Angela Merkel, “you need to stop buying gas from Putin” and did more in that one statement than the prior two administrations did to temper Russia. We also have virtually defeated ISIS and are making progress towards peace in the Korean Peninsula. Trump might be a controversial leader and is accused of many things, but so was Abraham Lincoln. I did not vote for Trump yet I’ve had to eat my words as far as his economic leadership and many of my other concerns. It is time to come together, black, white, liberal or conservative, and make America great.