Broken Arrow and the Final Safeguard of Representative Government

During the Cold War, there were various “broken arrow” incidents. A broken arrow is when a nuclear device is lost, stolen, or otherwise involved in an accident where there could be catastrophic consequences. There were several times where we came remarkably close, and the one incident that stands out is when B-52 broke up in mid-air and two Mark 39 hydrogen bombs fell near Goldboro, North Carolina. The device was an electrical short away from turning an entire state into a radioactive wasteland. Three out of four safeguards had failed. The history of this country could have been vastly different had there not been that one remaining failsafe.

This, could have been…
Bye Bye

In the past four years, the brokenness of the system has become obvious. Trump, by his mere existence in defiance of the cultural elites who feel entitled to rule, has exposed to us just how deep the rot goes. The free press has become a propaganda arm of international corporate conglomerates. The same corporate cabal that has, with the help of complicit politicians, outsourced our jobs to the Chinese and lined their own pockets while still claiming to be the champions of the working class. The internet, which once promised to be a place for the unheard people to push back, has now been stifled by a dystopian regime of Big Tech misinformation in the form of a ‘fact-checking’ guise and censorship.

We know Russian collusion is a hoax. We know that Trump never called white supremacists “very fine people” and very clearly denounced them. The corporate media lied about Nicholas Sandmann and had to pay big settlements. Destructive riots, mobs that did over two billion dollars in damages, are called “mostly peaceful protests” while the terrified home owners are vilified for standing their ground. Kyle Rittenhouse, a teenager clearly defending himself from a group of violent convicted felons, and GoFundMe cancelled a campaign to help his legal defense. Imagine that, a fundraising site that hosts campaigns to pay bail for Antifa rioters, chillingly not allowing a conservative the same opportunities. Big Tech aims to prevent our organization and kill momentum. The endless stream of propaganda from the corporate media is designed to discourage, demoralize and defeat us.

Do you trust this media to tell you the truth about the election?

It was fairly obvious, before the voting even began, that there would likely be some kind of election-day shenanigans. And, when Mark Zuckerberg and other media gaslighters started to seed the public with this idea that Trump would lose some states on election only to flip to Biden as the ‘counting’ continued. I sounded the alarm about the high likelihood of election fraud because of this. It was conditioning us for the steal, Zuckerberg paid $400 million to election officials for something and we can rest assured it wasn’t for free and fair elections.

Can we trust the same people who buried the biggest scandals in the history of this country, the son of a candidate was paid millions while his father negotiated with foreign states, to not meddle in the main event? Does anyone really believe those who would knowingly use bogus claims about “hacking” as a justification for their cover-up of damning information about Biden would not commit other forms of election fraud? Of course, not! It would be foolish to believe anything they say at this point. The idea that these corrupt billionaires, and their kleptocratic associates in government, would not interfere with the process has already been disproven over and over again. They were already cheating through the deliberate interference with the conversation on social media platforms, with their pushing proven false narratives without fact-checks and then not reporting actual scandals with solid evidence.

What ‘Big Brother’ really looks like…

The real question is not if they would cheat. The only question remaining was how they would cheat. The evidence, in the multitude of whistleblowers accounts (both poll watchers and postal workers with eye witness testimony) along with the incredible statistical anomalies, the dead voters, and commercial addresses used as residences by voters, all points to a massive scale fraud against the American people. The system, from the intelligence agencies that knowingly went along with a fake dossier in 2016, to the Democrats in Congress pushing for impeachment without actual grounds for impeachment, along with the constant corporate media lies, has failed to protect the integrity of our elections.

Who will stand up if justice fails in the courts?

The future is hanging in the balance. The free press has fallen to corporate propagandists, city and state governments lost integrity under one-party Democrat rule, the Republican party lacking a spine or in agreement with the fix, and government agencies that should investigate fraud are completely silent despite the evidence. The corporate media, Big Tech, political establishment, and administrative (or “deep”) state are all stacked up, in collusion, against the will of the American people.

What is left to safeguard the republic?

What can stop those who are seeking to secure their monopoly on power for keeps?

The only government institution remaining that stands in the way of this scheme is the courts. It is now up to the courts to put an end to this. Trump’s legal challenges have substantial evidence and those in the judiciary concerned with the integrity of our institutions will consider them. We can only hope that our Supreme Court Justices have the moral fortitude to stand up to the powerful cabal of meddling corporate elites and political establishment interests. The pressure is immense, they will face threats of violence and their verdict could very well trigger a civil war. But it is that or we nuke all but the appearance of a legitimate government of the people and for the people.

If they rule against Trump, with the abundance of evidence, they will finish the destruction of our institutions started by the far-left and leave us all with a choice. If the courts fail, the only thing that would keep the republic from being annihilated during our own watch is the 2nd Amendment and our own arms. The left and their corporate establishment backers are counting on us to be complacent and cowardly, to be all talk and no real action. They think that we will accept their chains because we already have. We did nothing to stand up to their speech codes, nothing to prevent them from taking over our universities and schools. We thought voting would save us, yet they have corrupted that too and we still are not out in the streets.

Will you make sure that your vote counts?

If there ever was a time to stand up and be counted it is now. If you have not been demoralized, or distracted by their worthless entertainment and addictive “bread and circuses” designed to keep you in a stupor, this is the time to fight for American values. The left hasn’t had anyone opposing them in a concerted effort before Trump. They have toppled the safeguards designed to prevent their tyranny one by one. Now only the courts and we the people are the last thing that stands between them and complete dictatorial control. There is no value in being armed with a Bill of Rights or any other safety mechanism if nobody is left who is willing to stand up and defend it with their lives, fortunes and sacred honor.

Will we let the American Revolution be cancelled?

Will you let the Republic be reduced to ash and dust or will you be amongst those who stand up, as that one last final safeguard of representative government, American values, and liberty, for sake of your posterity?

Do You Still Consent?

Donald Trump was not supposed to win the 2016 election. The corporate and political establishment had its candidate. Hillary Clinton was to be President and under no circumstances would the man that they disparaged as a joke set foot in the White House. But they had underestimated the brash billionaire, he did not fold to their pressure, he could not be brought or controlled and his message resonated with millions of Americans fed up with a system seemingly stacked against them. Trump promised to be a President for all Americans, to make America great again, and expose “the swamp” of corruption in Washington, DC.

Trump, against the odds, due to the enthusiasm of the Democrats and Republicans who voted for his new brand, shocked the establishment. Their smears and ridicule, suppression polls, the concerted effort to bury the email leaks (uncovering the rigging of the Democratic primary against Bernie Sanders) under an unsubstantiated claim of Russian hacking and a completely fabricated collusion narrative, had all failed. States assumed to be securely blue, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan, full of voters fed up with the coastal ‘recovery’ that missed them, swung for Trump and cemented the biggest political upset in the history of the United States. The “deplorables” had their man.

However, the establishment of Democrats and never-Trumper Republicans, rather than accept the will of the electorate, began to plot their resistance. No doubt with the help of big money, they immediately arranged protests. They also decided to go ahead with the known fiction of the Russian collusion narrative, realizing this would be a way to hamper or basically kneecap the new administration. The corporate media pushed the propaganda and the political establishment, along with the deep state, started their investigations. In the end, after three years of misinformation and phony “bombshell” stories, a midterm election stolen by these lies, the Mueller report found nothing incriminating against the President.

Still, the damage had been done, many low information types continue to believe this “red scare” today who may have been persuaded to the President’s side once discovering he was not “literally Hitler” or any of those absurd things that the far-left had told them to believe.

China’s Revenge, Opportunity for Democrats

Trump was exactly what he said he was, he set about securing the border despite the efforts to stop him, he reduced the tax burden on all Americans, he defeated ISIS and started to bring an end to the endless wars, the economy boomed far beyond the “new normal” of Obama and he was cruising to reelection. But then it happened, China finally got their revenge against the first President in our time to take on the unfair trade with the Communist county, the Coronavirus became that perfect opportunity for the opponents of the President. Democrat governors shut down their states, pushed nursing homes to take the infected to mix in with the most vulnerable, and through their edicts basically maximized the damage of the pandemic.

It was during this golden opportunity to excuse draconian measures that Big Tech ramped up their efforts to control the flow of information on social media platforms. Through ‘fact-checking’ that was often as spurious and misleading as the claims that they supposedly debunked to outright removal of content and bans, Twitter and Facebook shut down any debating of the established narrative. Doctors and experts questioning the mandates were subjected to character assassination and censored for their “Wrongthink” and, as with any tyrannical regime trying to limit freedoms, the excuse for this abuse being safety and the public good.

And this effort to manipulate the conversation went well beyond the Covid-19 excuse. Facebook purged many pro-Trump groups, all of them grassroots, and even deleted the accounts of the good people who managed these groups. How do I know? Well, a good friend of mine had built up a pro-2nd Amendment group, thousands of members, and both that group, along with his personal page, were removed without warning or explanation. Several “silent majority” groups came, grew to hundreds of thousands, and then disappeared. This, along with throttling, shadow bans, and other less detectable means, was deliberate suppression and election interference.

In the meantime, the corporate media, which loves to prey on and encourage minority fears, began highlighting specific anecdotes starting with the death of George Floyd. These events often presented falsely as cold-blooded murder by media activists who left out and ignored important contextual information, enraged minorities, and led to widespread unrest. This unrest, mischaracterized as “mostly peaceful protests” resulted in damages of two billion dollars as acts of vandalism, arson, theft, assault, and actual murders were excused as a cry for justice. Minorities and their white savior allies, deliberately misled by the establishment, did exactly what they were supposed to do by bringing chaos to the streets. But Trump never took the bait by cracking down.

The Marxist far-left, calling itself Antifa and BLM to gain popular support, were given license by Democrat city leaders to prosecute a campaign of violence and intimidation, terrorism by definition. But those who fought back to defend their own property or that of others were treated as villains. Kyle Rittenhouse, a teenager who used an AR-15 to fight off an unprovoked assault, a prime example. His ‘victims’ all adult white men, all with criminal records, felony sexual abusers, and one illegally in possession of a firearm, were lionized. GoFundMe, the fundraising site that allowed campaigns to pay bail for rioters, took down a legal defense fund for Rittenhouse. The corporate media and Big Tech monopolies, again, censored the truth to push ideological or profit agenda.

The True Collusion Narrative

But then came the October surprise. This time it was no manufactured crisis. It was not fueled by deliberate misinformation and misuse of anecdotes as was the case before. This time there was damning evidence that pointed to a foreign power buying influence via a prominent politician’s family and was a scandal that would surely end a political career—even lead to long prison terms for those involved. A laptop, containing incriminating images and emails, had been left at a repair shop. And the nation’s 5th largest newspaper, the independent and venerable, New York Post, published this explosive story that would surely upend the ethically compromised candidate.

Or such would’ve been the case had the story not been about Joe Biden, the corporate and political establishment candidate. Instead, Twitter quickly locked the New York Post out of their account, declared falsely that they had used “hacked” materials in violation of the social media giant’s arbitrarily applied terms of service, and gave the corporate media propagandists time to sharpen their knives to put the kabbash to what would otherwise be the scandal of scandals. Make no mistake, had the Chinese paid any member of the Trump family millions, while their dad negotiated in Beijing, nobody would have cared how the information was obtained, it would be covered non-stop and lead to jail time for those involved.

The only reason anyone would vote for Biden?

They were kept in the dark and misled by the propaganda professionals.

No loyal American or true patriot would support a man who is so clearly in bed with a Communist nation that routinely threatens our friends. The political establishment, along with their corporate media and Big Tech enablers, all sided with the Manchurian candidate, a career politician bought and bribed by a foreign power, against the American people. They too, like their leader, are corrupted and compromised by their agenda, proven untrustworthy and traitors to their profession. Their deception robbed many of the chance to make an informed decision and likely stole millions of votes from Trump.

However, what these manipulators did not anticipate is that the American people were becoming wise to their trickery and were rallying behind Trump despite the massive effort of the elites. Many fooled before, now aware of the games being played, would not be fooled again and rose up in rebellion against this effort to subvert them. Trump was many things, a womanizing playboy with a vulgar mouth, not politically correct, unapologetic in his use of over-the-top rhetoric and hyperbole, but not half as sleazy and dishonest as those who so virulently opposed him.

Biden spoke to empty parking lots, had a fraction of the President’s social media following, and ran on recycled Democrat talking points. Yet he mysteriously led in the polls despite the buzz being decidedly in the favor of Trump. Trump, despite the lies about him being a racist, was even making in-roads with minority voters, black men and Hispanics in particular, likely tired of false promises of Democrats or concerned with the rise of the violent fringe left in their neighborhoods. The media narratives, while relentlessly pounding the drum against Trump, were losing potency with every blow and beat.

The Trump Blowout Thwarted Through Fraud

Trump was going to win again. In a free and fair election, this incumbent, who only gained support since 2016, would not lose to a declining has-been who failed all previous Presidential bids. Trump had the strongest in-party polling of any Republican candidate in years. The Republican registrations were at record levels. Election night defied the expectations, the polls had been far off everywhere, Trump had commanding leads in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Despite all the efforts of the establishment to derail him, the unthinkable was happening again. Trump, like other Republican candidates wildly outperforming, was going to win in a landslide.

But then, as promised, in stories intended to prime the public for the planned fix, the counting stopped in key battleground states. In Georgia, they made an excuse about a water main break, with no evidence to substantiate the claim, but other Democrat-controlled states were much more brazen and didn’t even bother offering any explanation. Anyone with a brain knows what was happening. They had to figure out how many fraudulent votes or what algorithmic correction would be necessary to overturn the results. As Pennsylvania’s Democrat attorney general had assured before the election even started, once the ‘counting’ was over, Trump was going to lose.

The cover stories for this fraud of unprecedented magnitude cannot drown out the dozens of whistleblower accounts, the many postal workers and poll watchers who witnessed and testified in sworn affidavits, of mail-in ballots being illegally backdated, of being shut out or otherwise kept from their important work of verifying the counts. And yet, laughably, the corporate media denied all this evidence, they’ve prematurely designated Biden as “President-elect” before the results were certified and even had the help of the never-Trumpers in Federal agencies ridiculously stating that this was the “most secure election in history” in direct contradiction to these claims and pending litigation.

It is astounding to me that anyone would continue to believe these intelligence agencies after WMDs, after the Russian collusion debacle, and a long history of meddling in affairs. But a sucker is born every day and deep state actors, along with the corporate media, prey on and reinforce ignorance. However, for those of us now aware, who have seen these shenanigans before, there is no doubt what happened. This election has been stolen by the political and media establishment, the projected counts are not a valid representation of the will of the American people and should be treated as worthless.

The Logic of Ordinary Times Does Not Apply Anymore

At first, the words, “Trump should not leave office under any circumstances,” were jarring.

Trump, if the vote official vote counts were not in his favor, would legally need to leave, right?

This friend, a staunch conservative, was suggesting what could be called sedition. It would be considered by many to be a rebellion against the established system. A President is supposed to leave office when his term is up. When states certify the counts, when the courts dismiss challenges and confirm these counts as valid, then the legal obligation is clear: A peaceful transfer of power to the newly elected President.

That would be the correct procedure for ordinary times when the system of checks and balances was working as designed. But these are not ordinary times, these are the times of the “new normal” where corporate and political elites have colluded against the American people, with a foreign power, to steal the election. Sure, Trump and his team might not be able to prove this beyond all doubt. But, reasonably speaking, going by the madness of the past four years, can the circumstantial case be denied?

The fraud is apparent at multiple levels and those, claiming to be loyal to the Constitution and conservative values, who have conceded already should have their loyalties reconsidered. With all of the shenanigans over the past few years. The blatantly false narratives sold by our intelligence agencies, to the Big Tech censorship and lies to cover their tracks, to the long history of Democrat cities being cesspools of cheating and scandal, to the Biden family being in bed with Beijing, to the danger of allowing far-left terrorism to go completely unaddressed. If the fail-safes are not working, then it is time for the Trump revolution to reset the vision of the Founders.

Yes, this may be technically illegal, but it is certainly not immoral or unethical given the circumstances. The current regime (the corporate media, Big Tech, the political establishment, the deep state, and foreign actors) has declared a war against the American people. Trump allowing this cabal to take the reins would be a violation of his oath of office, to uphold the Constitution and protect this nation from enemies both foreign and domestic. From Joe Biden saying Antifa’s terrorism is only “an idea” and therefore can’t be condemned or prosecuted, to Jack Dorsey admitting that Twitter’s burying of the New York Post story was a “mistake” while continuing to deceive about the duration of this corporate election interference, to the media being consolidated and propaganda rather than diffuse and independent as it was intended, we are in extraordinary times that require extraordinary measures.

In short, the level of corruption has reached a point where the democratic will of the American people will forever be overshadowed by the whims of the corporate and political establishment elites. The cult of civic duty, those who bought into the “democratic system” and proudly wear “I voted” stickers, who demand that their neighbors mask up so they feel safe and cry for government handouts paid for by the hard work of others, is not even a shadow of the vision for a nation of strong and independent people. At some point, this tyranny of the Karens crosses beyond what is reasonable, we should not continue to consent and must then stand on the one remaining Constitutional safeguard left. The 2nd Amendment exists so that we the people are able to say “no” to these controlling elites.

Trump remaining in office may be the one last opportunity we have to prevent the Marxist take-over, an increasingly one-party system, sold out to corporate and global interests. It may be the only way to thwart leftist exclusion lists, prevent reprisal attacks, and stop radical wealth redistribution. If this confrontation is inevitable, between those of us who want to be left alone and those who want to control every aspect of our lives, then it might as well be on our own terms. Trump’s defiance would provide the focal point. It would divide those who will fight for freedom from those who are complicit or too comfortable to get involved. It would be a reset, a second revolution, a chance to stand together or be canceled alone, and there may be no next time if we do not use this position of strength we have with Trump still in the White House.

They are coming for you either way…

In terms of game theory, we have nothing left to lose in supporting Trump. If we have no say in elections, are threatened by the establishment that doesn’t abide by their own laws, harassed by their street thugs who have no fear of being held legally accountable, why continue to subject ourselves to this corrupted institution?

This nation was founded on the idea that our consent, as the governed, matters more than anything else. And I would rather have king Trump than let this country be turned into another, more onerously controlled, Venezuela, Cuba or China.

This may be the time to declare once again, in the immortal words of Thomas Jefferson:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Fact-check: Is Joe Biden President-elect?

It has been announced on various corporate media networks that Joe Biden is president-elect. World leaders have begun to congratulate the former Vice President for his win. And, according to the colorful election coverage state maps, he does indeed appear to have the necessary electoral votes.

There’s only one problem. It isn’t true. Joe Biden is not the winner nor is he president-elect and he will not be those things until the projected election results are certified by the states. The Democrat may be the presumptive winner, the man that these corporate media networks want to portray as the winner, but these entities declaring him as the president-elect does not make it fact.

Dewey lost and never was President

As of this moment, until the state results are officially certified, there is no president-elect. All of the articles coming out talking about a Biden presidency are may create an impression of inevitability and yet are nothing more than fantasy fiction—mere partisan hopes or propaganda—until various lawsuits are resolved, the results are certified, and he’s officially sworn in.

The truth is, the 2020 election is one of the most contested elections of our lifetime. There are multiple lawsuits pending in key battleground states over alleged fraud and all will need to be resolved before we will know who is president-elect. Sure, the same news outlets prematurely declaring Biden as the winner will try to convince their audience that this litigation is baseless, but that’s their opinion at best and also manipulation.

Why Did They Declare Biden To Be Winner?

One may wonder why these sources would risk their credibility by presenting false information. Do they not realize that this will hurt them down the road? And it does. According to Gallup polls, from earlier this year, President Trump outranks “the news media” in terms of public trust. So why would they sacrifice even more of their reputation if that is the case?

The answer, of course, is that politics is war and they believe that the casualty of their own credibility is worth the potential gain.

What is the gain?

Well, the first gain is that they prejudice many in their audience. Sure, more and more people are skeptical of the corporate media and starting to see the political agenda. But there are still many who have an undying trust in these various media corporations and will simply believe what they are told. So, if Trump does end up winning because of unlawful and fraudulent activities skewing the results, these uncritical ‘low-information’ types will think that this is some sort of conspiracy and reject Trump as their President.

The Russian collusion narrative, while never having a shred of real evidence to prove it, took three years of investigation and fake “bombshell” reports before it finally faded. But the impact of that partisan smear campaign lingers to this very day. There were many duped into believing the wild stories that Trump is somehow an agent of the Kremlin—a puppet of Putin—when there is less reason to believe that there is to believe the same about Obama who was caught, on a hot mic, promising the Russian President “more flexibility” after his re-election.

I guess “without evidence” only matters now?

The second gain in lying about Biden being president-elect is that it demoralizes many of who voted for Trump. Many conservatives, after all the lies about the President over the past few years, have dismissed the clear irregularities and anomalies in the voting results and given up. It could be confirmation bias, they continue to underestimate the President’s popularity (due to suppression polls and constant negative reporting) thus have resigned themselves to defeat even before the courts have had their say on the pending cases. You do not have to fight those who give up before the fight even started and that’s why partisans will sacrifice credibility if they think it will discourage their ideological foes.

In all warfare, propagandists will try to mislead the other side into thinking that they have no chance. During WW2 “Tokyo Rose,” various women employed by the Japanese government, would take to the radio waves to convince G.I.s that their fight was in vain. Sure, much of the programming was neutral, music and such, but this ‘service’ to the American soldiers was all about discouraging them by trying to convince them that the war was lost. Of course, we all know the end of that, the Imperial Japanese lost and the United States won. Fortunately, at least from an American perspective, not many believed these reports, or they may very well have lost.

In 2000 some networks prematurely declared Al Gore to be the winner over George W. Bush. This could’ve been an honest mistake or maybe an attempt to disenfranchise voters further west (including the Florida panhandle) to give up and therefore influence the result. And since that time, in the past two decades, the corporate media has only become more polarized against conservatives and blatantly dishonest. They are building a narrative rather than simply reporting facts. They want people to believe that Trump is illegitimate even if the pending cases and ongoing investigations uncover widespread rigging and fraud.

So, What About These Allegations of Fraud?

Fraud is almost as old as truth. Our world is inundated with scammers, pretending to be something that they aren’t, and enough are taken by this that it is worth the effort. Things are taken by deception and elections have been ‘fixed’ (or stolen) as well by deception. In fact, there have been many gamed elections in the history of this country and those who say that the same thing cannot happen today are either simple-minded and ignorant or lying. If anything, in the age of computerized voting, backdoors in the code, and hacking, it may actually be more likely than ever.

Many election observers and even postal employees have already come forward or posted videos of suspicious activities. Mail-in ballots have been found in dumpsters, a strange ‘glitch’ had swung Trump votes to the Democrat before being discovered by the eagle eye of a Michigan official. Things simply do not line up with the narrative that was pushed. Trump had out-performed the polling in every state except the key swing states, of Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin, where Biden mysteriously received more votes than even Obama. Somehow a man who could barely get anyone to go to his rallies outdid, with less minority support, the most popular Democrat candidate of our lifetimes and right where he needed to.

Unbelievable. Truly.

The media had primed us with this idea that the election day voting would favor Trump and then Biden would emerge as winner as mail-in ballots would go to him. That is why many are willing to accept that as reality even though it actually goes against known facts. For example, many Democrats were completely paranoid about a conspiracy theory put out, encouraged by the corporate media, that Trump would somehow, like the Grinch who stole Christmas, corrupt the postal service. There were literally “save the USPS” protests by those Democrats who were made to be fearful of this. Do you really think that these same people would take the chance of dropping a ballot in the mail when they believed this lunacy?

Trump leads by wide margins before counts stop and then restart for an unbelievable Biden comeback.

If Democrats were so afraid of Covid-19 that they would not show up at the polls, then why did so many celebrate in large crowds at the corporate media announcement that Biden won? Why did the Democrats protest in the tens of millions over the summer when the pandemic was raging?

Sure, that is conjecture. But so is the claim that mail-ins favor Democrats and, according to the research found in “The participatory and partisan impacts of mandatory vote-by-mail,” there is typically no significant difference between parties in regards to mail-in ballots:

“Partisan vote shares in counties that adopted mail-in voting tilted 0.7 percentage points in favor of the Democratic Party, the team found. But with the margin of error in the results between –0.7 and 2 percentage points, that increase was not statistically significant and could potentially go in either direction in any given election, Barber says. As it was, only 1.5 percent of analyzed counties had an electoral margin as narrow as 0.7 percentage points between parties anyway, the authors say.”

So, again, should we really believe the narrative put out by a media establishment that sold us on Russian collusion now when they tell us that Biden won and deny-deny-deny all that goes against that?

Have they magically become more trustworthy?

There is hard evidence of potential fraud. If you remove the weirdness out of the data, applying Benford’s law, then Trump probably wins in a landslide. The multitude of whistleblowers coming out, at great personal risk in this age of political violence and leftist doxxing of anyone who stands in their way, along with statistical evidence of fraud, should not be ignored. But, having observed the social media censorship of true stories that hurt the Biden campaign and their spurious fact-checks used to suppress negative information about their candidate, nothing is beneath those who have long ago decided that the ends justify the means.

The Fraud of the Unquestionable Narrative

Even if election fraud cannot be sufficiently proven to overturn the currently questionable counts, there is plenty of evidence of malfeasance on the part of our corporate media and near-monopoly Big Tech platforms. We should be, especially when the stakes are high, suspicious of those who have the most to gain by deception. Our biggest cities, including Atlanta, Philidelphia, Detriot, and others in battleground states, are under one-party Democrat rule, are run by people far to the left, and have nobody to keep them honest or hold them accountable. We, the people, deserve a thorough investigation into all claims of fraud, a transparent voting process where poll watchers are not illegally shut out, and our right to question the corporate establishment narrative, in the public square of social media, should be protected.

The extended voting deadlines for mail-ins and odd pauses in vote counts point to a pre-planned and orchestrated fraud. Pray that truth will prevail in the end, because elections have consequences, even rigged elections, and you do not want the fraudulent side to win or you will never have another free and fair election after that. This is the time to stand up to those telling you to sit down and shut up.

Facebook doesn’t allow this link:

The reason why Trump was elected, in the first place, is because many in “flyover country and the “rust-belt” felt they’ve been ignored by the political and media establishment. The media, both Big Tech and the corporate legacy outlets, are controlled by the coastal elites. Those hurt most by open border policies and outsourcing, things that benefit corporations, were never given a voice and increasingly being tuned out by an ideologically-driven corporate establishment. Both Democrats and Republicans, while disagreeing (at least symbolically) on the wedge issues like abortion or healthcare, basically agree on endless war, trade with China, and everything else. So, when Trump emerged as a candidate saying he would fix those problems, his base grew overnight. And the buzz, with the states shutdowns hurting so many small businesses, seemed to indicate that his support had only grown. There were many people who didn’t vote for him in 2016 who did this time despite a sustained campaign against him by the establishment.

Time and time again, I would join a pro-Trump “silent majority” group on Facebook, see it grow exponentially, watch as excited Trump voters would greet each other cheerful and welcome minorities, only for it to go dark without explanation. I’ve had a close friend, a stand-up guy, a strong conservative, who was a moderator on a pro-2nd Amendment rights group. His group, along with his own personal account, were removed by the social media giant with no reason given or recourse. This story and many others like it, of conservatives being silenced for questioning the corporate media narrative, is the reason for the mass exodus started to MeWe, Parler, and other social media alternatives. Why? Well, the clamps on speech got even tighter as they began to question the appearance of fraud. If Twitter and the rest of them didn’t ban links outright, they answered them with fake or misleading fact-checks as to undermine the questioning of the suspicious result.

Whatever the case, no matter what is found or how the court challenges go, Joe Biden is not president-elect at this moment, and the fact that the corporate media, along with Big Tech, is telling you that should be a warning to you about anything else they are saying. They might be well-spoken and slick propagandists, but they are not trustworthy and should always be questioned. We the people must push back. And, even if you are pro-Biden, the behavior of these big corporations and their billionaire owners should be disconcerting. There can be no real democracy if they control the conversation and dictate the narrative. We must stand up together to their abuses.