The Great Color Lie

I met the boyfriend of my friend, Marie, a Congolese refugee who I had helped to get established here, and he seemed like a nice guy despite our political differences.  I’m pretty sure he would claim to be anti-racist and a feminist, if asked, and was a very loyal Democrat voter at very least.  But, as time went on, under this facade of empathy was an abusive monster.  Not only did he verbally abuse and physically assault my friend, he also forced her to get an abortion against her own wishes.

This rage lurks right below the surface for many who are white and vote blue.  The left pivots instantly from “think of the children” and “black lives matter” to calling a black Supreme Court Justice a “field n*gger” for the decision to let states choose their own abortion policies.  White Democrats become anti-democratic and very openly racist when things don’t go their way:

Dumb only because they disagree.
Sounds like a threat, doesn’t it?
Celebrity racism.

Apparently Clarence Thomas becomes a sub-human because he doesn’t agree with white Democrats who strategically place abortion clinics in minority communities and also treat the unborn as subhuman.  With the black population reduced by over 19 million as a result of Roe v. Wade, the white wealthy eugenicist who founded Planned Parenthood is likely very pleased.  And white Democrat economists, Levitt and Donohue, tried to argue this reduced crime—they continue to push this racial dog whistle despite better analysis.

Now, in Pennsylvania, where Democrat John Fetterman, a Senate candidate who once profiled and chased down an innocent black man and held him at gunpoint, the social media rhetoric against his opponent has taken an anti-immigrant turn.  Dr. Mehmet Oz, a person of color by the current standards, is under attack by white Democrats for being Turkish-born.  Imagine that, the party that opposes common sense border security and betting of new arrivals, calling it xenophobic, now targeting a renowned surgeon.

Do you see the pattern here? 

Any non-white who opposes the ability of these Democrat elitists to dictate outcomes is the target of hate.  They are truly pro-control, not choice.  The mantra “my body, my choice” vanished faster “kids in cages” when it was revealed that this policy started during the Obama administration.  Indeed, hose outraged over the Dobbs v. Jackson decision had no problem with a bunch of white men overruling state legislatures in 1973.  But they do have a problem with a black man and woman ruling against their own eugenicist aims.

Having it both ways.

The point here is not to call out these mostly white elites (or their token minorities) for their hypocrisy.  No, only those who live by a moral code can be held accountable to an exact standard.  Rather, I’ll call them out for their use of phony compassion as part of a cynical ploy and manipulation.  It is why they voted for a geriatric racist white man in their primary over the independent-minded Tulsi Gabbard.  It is why they “stand with Ukraine” and don’t care at all for tens of thousands of brown children dying in the ongoing US-aided Saudi invasion of Yemen.

The forgotten US-aided invasion.

Many who vote blue are brainwashed.  It would seem that the many who come out in support Democrats are victims of Stockholm syndrome.  Black Americans continually vote for their former and current oppressor.  Joe Biden, not Donald Trump, was close friends with with the infamous former Klansman Robert Byrd.  It is Democrats who tell people that they can’t be successful and therefore need handouts.  That’s disempowerment, it is a lie to keep the most vulnerable American communities bound to false campaign promises.

And let’s be real, giving women the message that they can’t raise their offspring is not empowering, it is fear-mongering, it feeds anxieties and is exploitative.  Seriously, why do you think big corporations are offering to pay female employees to travel out of state for abortions?  Should we believe that these otherwise soulless entities suddenly care about women?  Nah, it is avoiding having to pay more for maternity leave and risking the loss of a productive young woman to motherhood.

If it were actually about choice for women, white Democrat elites would not be vowing to hassle pregnancy care centers where struggling mothers are encouraged and given resources.  They wouldn’t be claiming that nobody wants to adopt and then turn around and belittle those who do.  Again, pro-abortion is not about choice, not about democracy or informed consent, it is about control.  It is truly about keeping women and minorities useful to them and their corporate sponsors.  They, like the asshole who forced my friend to have an abortion, only pretend to care to get what they want and have no commitment to their host beyond what they get for themselves.

Damned if you don’t, damned if you do?

The real parasites are in Washington and Wall Street, not in the womb.  These are the same faceless egregores that cause those on corporate boards to greedily send our jobs overseas and urge us to mindlessly consume to increase their profits.  It is virus that drives governments and bureaucracies to continual expansion despite the long-term consequences and enormous cost.  What needs to be aborted, and post haste, is this angry beast crawling out of the belly of the American ideal.

Like vintage tobacco advertisements that sold their addictive carcinogenic products as being liberation, the elites wrap their control agenda in words like hope and change.  But the only result of their policies is doubt, dependency and despair.  Is America being built back better?