Done with Government? Well, They’re Not Done with You…

It is over a month since Joe Biden was sworn in and the Democrat controlled political establishment is on the offensive. The hopes of having fraud claims thoroughly investigated, by impartial arbitrators, have been met with a harsh reality of how the system works. Worse, a handful of protestors breaching the security of the Capital is now a pretext for purge and persecution of Americans who do not tow the party line.

Much of Trump’s coalition is now split into two camps, those demoralized who believe it is all over and the delusional who are still trusting “the plan” and will keep moving the goalposts. Some of the problem being the chaos caused by Big Tech removing conservative leaders, including President Trump, and giving no legitimate alternative to their narrative. It is really difficult to gain traction, to find trustworthy information, and stay connected. We’re being kept in the dark, confused and by design.

I took a small break from politics, as much as that is possible, because it isn’t something to center our lives on and there were more significant things, like the passing of my cousin, to attend to. Of course, I was also dealing with disappointment. That the system can be so stacked against us, where a conservative so much as sneezes and they are treated as an irredeemable evil goul, while leftist rioters are treated like victims no matter what horrendous acts they do, it is maddening to those of us who try to be principled and fair.

We knew there would shenanigans, I predicted it right here. I told you, in the months before the election, that mail-in ballots were an invitation for massive fraud. And, despite the denials of the far-left propagandists, so-called fact-checkers, we all know something happened. Even if we lack the resources to thoroughly investigate the results, the statistical anomalies, the whistleblowers, the existence of motive and other election interference, like the Biden laptop corruption story being shutout by Big Tech, make a strong circumstantial case.

However, we can’t allow ourselves to be distracted. The Democrats would love for us to disengage or keep waiting for someone else to do something. Meanwhile, while fooling us into giving up or to chase after false hopes, they’ll be busy ramming through legislation and securing their authoritarian grip. The government, the political establishment, is on the warpath. They won’t stop simply because we disengage and move on with our lives. No, that will only encourage them to push all the harder.

Admittedly, it is hard to organize, at the moment, the plethora of new social media platforms to explore, many of them echo chambers for conspiracy theories, doesn’t give one much confidence. Big Tech monopolies will never allow us to build any momentum, the alternatives leave us as divided and we’re basically paralyzed.

Get up!

Still, we can’t stop searching out like-minded people nor can we retreat or wait around in hopes that someone will save us. We must stand behind Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, the Trump family or anyone else being targeted for elimination by the political elites. We’ve had some good news recently, the Democrats failed to have their way with a second sham impeachment and that’s something significant. So there will be something that will emerge from the defeat and could leave us far better positioned if we are ready for it.

No worthwhile struggle is easy and it would be easy to believe that we’re in a position worse off than before. And it is true, the other side has the force of the Federal government at their disposal. That said, we’ve neglected the importance of state and local level elections for far too long. Elections are conducted at a state level. The fraud was possible because Democrats controlled key cities in swing states, yet the state legislatures in these states are conservative and will need our help.

In the end, we can’t quit because they will not ever be satisfied. Nancy Pelosi would cackle in delight if that flag waving grandma, who got caught up in a crowd, was hung from a street lamp on Pennsylvania Ave. We already saw what Antifa and BLM can do to a city without any outrage from the corporate media. So do you really think that anyone will stand up for you or your family when this multi-headed beast turns beady eyes in your direction?

Our backs are against the wall, there are many who will kill or enslave us if they had the chance and feel morally justified, so why not exhaust ever peaceful means possible now?

We had a month to lick our wounds.

No more time for despair. Let go of silly delusions. We need to regroup. We need to start the “not backing down coalition” and plunge back into the fight. They can lie about us, sow their disinformation, paint with ridiculous terms like “white nationalist” or any other similar slander. They can use their monopoly on power to cancel and systematically oppress us. They will saddle us down with regulation, add to our burden of taxes, rob us blind, all the while accusing us of being privileged.

But they will not win unless we let them. They only win when we allow them to trample our legal rights or that of our fellow Americans and do nothing. It is time to reassert ourselves. This should be restored as a land of opportunity for all who embrace personal responsibility and freedom. No, unlike the left, we aren’t obsessed with skin color or divisive identities. We do not believe in granting some special immunity to some or putting an extra burden on others. They are everything they accuse us of being and worse.

We must never surrender!