Comply Or Be Terminated Is UnAmerican

Monday, amidst the unfolding chaos in Afghanistan, demented Joe found the time to urge companies to force vaccines on their employees.  This, no doubt, part of a full court press, including a media blitz with headlines like, “FDA Fully Approves Pfizer Vaccine,” to overwhelm those who decided against these experimental new biotech products.

Of course, once again the corporate media and the Biden administration have colluded to deceive the American people.  What is in the fine print is that the Pfizer jab still hasn’t completely clinical trials and remains under an emergency authorization.  But this reality contrary to the propaganda narrative will not stop big corporations from using this as leverage against their employees.

In fact, Geisinger, later in the week, emboldened, announced that they would be forcing their employees to get the jab.  Can you imagine?  Hospital administrators, with multi-million dollar salaries, threatening the very same doctors and nurses who worked through the riskiest days of the pandemic for daring to have an opinion than their own as far as a personal medical decision.  It is totally unconscionable.

Heroes, who worked through pandemic, should have right to say “no” and suffer no consequences.

That this administration and their corporate sponsors would continue to be so dogmatic about these vaccines, despite the risks (know or yet to be discovered) and growing evidence of the ineffectiveness, does make me wonder what is actually driving the push?  

It certainly isn’t the science.  

First, the vaccines do not prevent transmission of the virus.  So the idea that this kind of mandate is for protection of the vulnerable does not hold up.  Second, those who have had the virus have more effective immunity than the vaccines and therefore they have absolutely zero reason to take on the additional risk of the injection.  Sure, the risk might be small and yet why take a risk for nothing gained?

If this were truly about science, then an antibodies test should be worth more than a vaccine card.  But one must assume that it is about something else.

The most gracious explanation is obstinace, Biden and the other aging Boomers refusing to let loose of their grip on power, see themselves as being right.  When they decided months ago that people should mask and get the vaccine, not even the most compelling evidence would ever change their mind.  Anything called a vaccine must be good.  They repeat “safe and effective” as a mantra.

However, I think it is more than that.  This is political and vindictive.  These are people who savor the opportunity of sticking it to their opposition.  And quite literally in this case.  They know that Trump supporters are amongst those hesitant and would mandate simply as a flex.  It is in their nature, they’re bullies, they get a rise out of exercising power over others and now have found their perfect excuse.

They antagonize the very people that make their privileged lifestyles possible.  They enslave us and our children with debt, send our jobs to China, and then called it “insurrection” when a mob, completely unarmed, forced their way into the Capital Building on January 6th.  Many of those in that crowd military veterans simply wanted an honest look into election irregularities.  They were cast as heroes when fighting for the military-industrial complex and now branded as ‘terrorists’ for confronting that system.

It is amazing how fast the spin can change depending on the needs of the elites.  All summer long we were told that the riots, that caused over two billion dollars in damages, were “mostly peaceful protests” and completely justified by the death of George Floyd.  An officer charged with murder despite the clear evidence of a drug overdose.  And yet when Ashli Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, is gunned down by a trigger-happy Capital Police officer and now he is the one being portrayed as the victim.

Military veteran, Ashli Babbitt, unarmed, killed by officer and no charges against officer.

These people do not represent or respect us, they see us as pawn to manipulate and enjoy playing their games.  The reasons why they should have more power and control may change.  But the reality is that is always power for the sake of power and control for the sake of control.  Climate change, school shootings, worldwide pandemics, are simply opportunities to exploit.  They don’t care about your health or well-being, they simply like to see you squirm.

Fortunately, not all are going along with this.  The CEO of UPMC, Geisinger’s primary competition, said in a statement that they will not mandate vaccines.  Hopefully independent minded and competent health care workers will find their way over to this quality provider.

Lovers of freedom and choice are definitely back on their heels.  The tyrants have found their tool and have effectively manipulated most into compliance.  The people who have built this nation and keep it running are going to need to stand up for themselves eventually or it will only get worse.  It is time to be unapologetically American, nobody has a right to tell anyone to put something into their body and nobody has any business knowing our personal health decisions either.

There are more of us than there are of them.  They rule by creating an illusion, by keeping us divided against each other rather than focused on them and standing together against their abuses. We, the workers, the soldiers, the nurses and doctors, do not need to be told what to do by these overpaid administrators, media talking heads, crooked politicians or their corporate cronies. It is time they start working for us again.